The sculpture

Girl on the Ball

The sculpture

Girl on the Ball

  • Materials of the sculpture: Bronze

Karen often mentions that his works are inspired by music, books about art, historical figures. “Girl on the ball” by Pablo Picasso and his “Girl on the ball”. However Karen endows the image of the girl with composure and assurance. Subtle lonely girl is dancing balancing on one leg. She does not see anybody, she is absorbed by her thoughts, by the featheriness. She is fearlessly stretching up basing herself upon an unstable ball. She makes us watch her, feel for her, smile, envy, dream – all the complex of thoughts and images is formed in the head under the influence of the beauty and grace of the girl. Karen creates an image of an African girl, emphasizing the moment of elegance and primitiveness, the strength of body and the freedom of the spirit. The body of the girl is curved in several parts. The girl is moving as well as the ball she is standing on. It is flying moving in the unison with the dancing girl. Karen stresses that the Universe is in motion and all the objects in it are in the state of constant motion too. And the motion is based on the freedom of spirit and conscience. The work embodies the strength of a free will and its endless possibilities.

“Girl on the ball” is made of bronze but it is light and subtle. Flowing curves of her hands elongated wrists and feet all the details taken together make the bronze light and airy. The general line goes along the body of the girl right to the tips of her toes and rests on the ball but the ball is stable. It is not moving. Both the girls and the ball are petrified in the image cast of bronze.