The sculptural composition


The sculptural composition


  • Materials of the sculptural composition: Plastic
  • Year of the sculptural composition: 2015

Time tacitly rules the world and spurs its development, it induces the transformation of space, the change of nature. Everything is in motion in the world, and this process is called Evolution. Karen tackles the challenge – to absorb and depict the Evolution of nature: from a frightful dinosaur to a human who is “the perfection of nature” as they used to say in the Renaissance. While looking at “The Evolution”, we subconsciously get the idea of the whole history of the world and mankind. The story is about two creatures, who come from different epochs, consequently, they belong to two different biological species. On the one hand, the dinosaur’s skull shows the severity and savagery of nature: huge nostrils, eye-pits and teeth, which make it easy to tear flesh and crunch animal bones. But there are an armless baby standing on the head of the reptile. By picturing the baby, Karen emphasizes its alleged vulnerability, helplessness in the face of nature. However, we understand that the main shield the baby possesses is its mind and free will. Thus, we see the movement from the simple to the complex: from the huge dinosaur not able to avoid natural threats to a small human who can control nature and defend himself from its severe mood. This is another type of evolution – the evolution of the human race. The evolution always embraces everything, even ourselves. Yet, each of us will find his own meaning of the Evolution, looking at this work.